Bitrix24 and Zoom Integration: User Guide

How to install, configure, and work with the app

The Bitrix24 and Zoom Integration app allows creating conferences and inviting customers to Zoom meetings right from Bitrix24. You can schedule a conference in any CRM client card and automatically send invitations by moving the CRM cards through your funnel.

The app is designed for those who work in Bitrix24 and usually engage with their clients via Zoom meetings. It most certainly will help you efficiently manage your sales and enforce your communication with the clients. 

Installation and Configuration

  1. Go to the Bitrix24 Marketplace and install the Zoom Integration app in your Bitrix24.

  2. Upon the first launch, the app offers each user to connect their profile in Bitrix24 with their account in Zoom. To do this, you need to log in to Zoom and allow the app to access your account.

If you install the Zoom Integration app on Bitrix24 Self-hosted, make sure that your server has network connection.

Using the Zoom Integration app in Bitrix24

Install the app in your Bitrix24. Upon the first launch, the app will ask you to connect your Bitrix24 profile with your account in Zoom. Login to Zoom and authorize Bitrix24 to access your account. 

When scheduling their first meetings, all other users will be asked to do the same and authorize themselves in Zoom to connect their accounts with the Bitrix24 profiles.

After authorization, you can use the app as follows.

Schedule a meeting with a client

To schedule a meeting with a client, open a respective client card in CRM. It can be Lead, Deal, Contact, or Company.

Go to the Actions block and click Zoom. If you cannot see the Zoom button in the same line with other actions like Comment, SMS, etc., click More and select “Zoom meeting”.

Screenshot of the Lead card with the Zoom button

In the opened window, you can set the date and time of the upcoming meeting, as well as its duration. If the selected time period has already been occupied with some other meeting in your calendar, you will see an error message. To proceed, reschedule the meeting. Click Save.

Screenshot of the window for creating a Zoom meeting

You will find the information about the upcoming event in the timeline of the client card. By clicking on the name of the event, you can see the meeting details with a link to the scheduled conference. By clicking the link, you will go directly to the meeting in Zoom.

Screenshot of the window with the Zoom meeting details

Also, you can find the link to the meeting in a special Zoom field displayed in the left part of the card where the client information is stored. Using this field, you can add the link to the email or SMS template and communicate it to the client. We will cover how to do it in the next section.

Screenshot of the Lead card with the Zoom field containing the url to the meeting

Send an invitation to a client

To make sure that invitation is automatically sent to a client, you need to create a new stage in the funnel (for example, Meeting in Zoom), or you can use any already existing stage (for example, Complete lead as seen in the screenshot below).

Go to the automation rules and click Configure Automation Rules. Find a needed stage in the list and create a new rule, for example, Client Communications → Send SMS or Email.

Screenshot of the window with automated rule configurations

Enter your text to the template, click the three dots to the right of the message text and select Zoom. The link to the meeting will be inserted in the message text and sent with the email when the client card reaches this stage.

Screenshot of the Deal card with the message in the timeline that the email has been sent

To exclude false positives, in the settings of the Zoom field, specify that it is mandatory for a certain stage: one cannot transfer the deal to the Meeting in Zoom stage if there is no conference planned.

The Zoom field in the Lead and Deal cards is created automatically when the app is installed.

Uninstalling the app 

To uninstall the app in Bitrix24, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Applications section in the main menu of your portal → Installed.

  2. Find the Zoom integration app and click Uninstall.

  3. After uninstallation, Bitrix24 will log out of all connected accounts in Zoom.

To uninstall the app in Zoom, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.

  2. Click Manage → Installed Apps or search for the Bitrix24 Integration app.

  3. Click the Bitrix24 and Zoom Integration app.

  4. Click Uninstall.


In this section, we cover the most common issues that users can face while using the app.

The form for creating a Zoom meeting is not displayed

To use the app, you need to connect your Zoom account with the Bitrix24 user profile by following the guide in the app.

There is an error when creating a meeting

When creating a meeting, we check the user's calendar in Bitrix24. If there is another event planned for the same time, you can automatically move the meeting to the nearest available time period, or schedule the meeting anyway.

The Zoom Link field does not appear in a Lead or Deal

The field is created in the More dropdown and gets displayed only when filled in.

There is no meeting record in CRM

The meeting gets recorded in your Zoom account (if you have selected cloud recording) or on your PC (if you have selected local recording). In the future versions of the app we plan to save the audio record of the meeting in CRM.

Contact and Support

We perform our app support in the chat. You can reach us via:

  • The chat in your Bitrix24 (the link opens a chatbox in your Bitrix24).

  • Online chat on this page. After the start of the dialog, enter your email to receive a notification about our reply and the communication history even after you close the tab with the chat in your browser.

Also, you can text us at

If you haven't received a prompt response, please wait for us to reply. We work from 9 am till 6 pm (GMT+3), Mo-Fri.
