Auto Suggest by postal code

Automatic filling of the address information by client's zip-code in Deals Bitrix24
Business sector

Cross functional solution

Business goal

Auto Suggest by postal code


Filling customer data in the Deal card takes too much time.

Tags: manual work, CRM, clients processing

Potential effort:
Implementation specifics: Custom development
Bitrix24: On-premise only


Besides the fact that the address section gives general information about the client's location, Bitrix24 uses the address for calculating taxes and shipping costs. To make it faster and easier for managers to enter a complex multi-layered address, and make sure it is entered correctly, implement the following solution:

  • First, upload the client's database (in xlsx) to standard Bitrix24 Locations.

  • Then, add a new custom type of the field - search by zip-code.

  • After that, add a list of location options that are displayed by zip-code. 

  • When entering a specific code, the system prompts the user to select one of the locations associated with this zip-code.

screenshot of the drop-down list of addresses tied to a specific zip-code

Drop-down list of possible location options associated with this zip-code

  • When the user selects a location option, the system automatically fills in the appropriate fields (for example, District, City, etc.). 

screenshot of automatically filled address fields

Automatically set values

If necessary, one can prohibit editing of the automatically entered values.

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