Mechanism for accurate records of views

Implementation of the Read button and view counter
Business sector

Cross functional solution

Business goal

To make sure that company employees get all important info from the Activity Stream


Hard to track who actually read the published message, and who simply browsed the feed.

Tags: data is disorganized, activity stream

Potential effort:
Implementation specifics: Custom development
Bitrix24: On-premise only


The default operating scenario of Bitrix24 implies the mechanism of auto-reading. If a user opens the feed and scrolls down, all new posts are automatically marked as read, while his username immediately appears in the built-in read counter.

Such a system makes it impossible to track how many users read a new message, and how many of them just scrolled down the page. To avoid this uncertainty, let’s implement customization:

1. remove auto-reading;

2. create a Read button and assign it with consistent logic.

As a result, it works as follows:

- under the published post next to the counter (the "eye" icon) there is a button made as a link named Read;

screenshot of the Read button in the Activity Stream

- when the user clicks the button, the post is marked as read (“I‘ve read it”), and his username appears in the read counter;

screenshot of the views counter in the Activity Stream

- one can see all users who have read the post by pointing at the eye;

- if the user wants to mark the post as unread, he can click on the “I’ve read” button and thus launch the reverse process. The counter gets decreased.

The customization is implemented without interference in the core of the product (Bitrix24 works routinely), which makes the solution cheaper and easier to support.

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