Ticketing system for working with service requests

A system for processing clients' requests based on Deals and task templates
Business sector

Cross functional solution

Business goal

Automate the scheme of processing service requests in CRM


Manual processing of information complicates the work of operators, information gets lost and tangled, there is no system for monitoring tasks execution.

Tags: manual work, Excel is not enough, data is disorganized, CRM, tasks, processing of requests

Potential effort:
Bitrix24: Cloud / On-premise


At the heart of the solution are two standard Bitrix24 tools — CRM and Tasks. 

Bitrix24 is configured so that all incoming calls are registered in the system as Leads and Deals.

When the operator gets the topic of the request, he or she assigns the deal with a specific type and sets a type of request (for example, Repair and maintenance, Order, etc.). 

screenshot of the deal card indicating the deal and request type

The deal card indicating the deal and request type

The operator moves the deal by stages and at a specific stage (for example, In Progress) creates a task by choosing a ready-made template that is suitable for the type of the request.

screenshot of creating a task following task templates

Creating a task following task templates

Using the template, the operator can set a task to another employee, for instance, to an officer of a service center.

screenshot of a task template with a checklist

Task template with a checklist

When the officer closes the task, the operator moves the Deal to the next stage. Thus, all the requests are processed following the unified scenario, while the specifics of the request types are taken into account in task templates.

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